Pega Interview concepts on Index Management

Sandeep Pamidamarri
2 min readAug 1, 2021


How to configure the elastic search in a multi-node cluster environment?

In a cluster environment, where we have the node classification feature — the nodes that are classified as **Search** type will store the elastic search files.

These nodes are managed via the Index Management landing page. Search nodes are synched via the port 5432 range. The cluster communication happens through the PEGA default **HazelCast** approach or through an **Apache Ignite** client-server model.

How to invoke a report definition that runs on the Elastic Search Files?

In the class __Rule-Obj-Report-Definition__, there is a process API activity ***pxRetrieveSearchData** that executes the passed report definition name on the elastic search files. Invoke this through activity and pass the required report definition name as a parameter.

__Note:__ The limitation of this type of execution on search files is that we can refer only to scalar properties and page properties. But, for a page list or page group properties index of the list is not maintained in the elastic search files created.

This type of execution improves the performance and reduces the database calls.

What are the agents involved in creating the index files and syncing across the nodes?

PEGA-SearchEngine agents — FTSIncrementalIndexer, FTSConflictsHandler are responsible for creating search index files.

How to customize the search properties for a work class?

From PEGA 7.4, the system has a rule type called ***Custom Search Properties***. This creates a Dedicated Search index file for the respective table. In this rule type, we can customize the required properties.

This approach helps to perform the Global search on the Page List properties info on a workobject.



Sandeep Pamidamarri
Sandeep Pamidamarri

Written by Sandeep Pamidamarri

Digital Transformation Leader | Pega Lead Solution Architect | Pega Certified Data Scientist | Pega Customer Service | Pega Sales Automation | AWS Cloud

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