How to perform a flow action of a case assignment using the PEGA DX API version2?
In this particular post, we will learn how to leverage the PEGA DX API v2 to perform a flow action of a case assignment. Any organisation’s front-end UI applications can be built on different UI technologies. The most popular front-end JS frameworks are React/Angular/Vue JS frameworks. PEGA provides starter packs for these JS frameworks. PEGA DX API provides a seamless framework of APIs to meet the Organisation’s front-end UI needs.
With this orchestration of DX APIs, users can perform to view, create and update cases and assignments. Previous PEGA IAC web mash-up has a lot of limitations in providing an intuitive user experience. PEGA DX API addresses the gap between the Organisation’s front-end needs and PEGA Application being the back-end to handle the case management.
Let’s take a scenario on how to perform a flow action on a case assignment. Below is the sequence of DX version 2 APIs that are invoked. Refer to the above diagram.
For practice — Install PE Edition and install the PDN FSG Booking application.
GET Method — /cases/{caseID}
Step 1: GET Method — Request with case ID as a resource parameter
Step 2: Response with case info and all available assignments with IDs at that moment
Invoke the GET Method with the case ID as the parameter and observe the highlighted assignments info returned in the response.
Get the assignment ID that you want to perform an action. In the above example, I took the cascading approval assignment — ASSIGN-WORKLIST FSG-BOOKING-WORK EVENT-1001!PYCASCADINGGETAPPROVAL
GET Method — /assignments/{assignmentID}
Step 3: GET Method — Request assignment info with assignment ID as a resource parameter
Step 4: Response with assignment Info and respective available Local and Flow actions with IDs at that assignment
Observe the highlighted actions available for that assignment.
Get the action ID that you want to perform an action. In the above example, I took the cascading approval assignment — ASSIGN-WORKLIST FSG-BOOKING-WORK EVENT-1001!PYCASCADINGGETAPPROVAL and respective action ID — pyApproval.
Note: In the response-header capture the eTag value. That value is passed as the verification header in the next subsequent call
PATCH Method — /assignments/{assignmentID}/actions/{actionID}
Step 5: PATCH Method — Request Payload with case content to update and assignment ID and action ID as resource parameters
Pass the case content to update in the body with the list of fields to update in that flow action.
Pass the eTag value in the header as if-Match
Step 6: Response with case info is returned
Action is performed and the next available case info is returned.
Hurrayyyyyyyy — Congratulations :) You understand how to leverage the PEGA DX API to perform a flow action of a case assignment.