How to create a simple React js single page application?

Sandeep Pamidamarri
3 min readSep 21, 2021


In this particular post, we will learn to create a single React js single page application. React JS uses JSX — it helps us in keeping code simpler and elegant when writing large pieces of code. The popularity of React JS is well known for providing component-driven rich user interfaces. Nowadays most of the tools and respective applications are coming with reusable React components.

This exercise page will have a button to retrieve the random user from an API. It helps to understand the basics of React JS and the usage of API communication within it.


  1. Codesandbox — To develop the React JS project
  2. Random User API — It is an open-source free API that gives random user data

Step 1: Develop the React JS Project

Navigate to — Codesandbox URL. Click on the React JS.

It will open up the code editor window as below

Step 2: Develop RandomUserExample React component

Rename the App.js to “RandomUserExample.js” and copy the following code.

The following code is self-explanatory from the JSX perspective.

import "./styles.css";import React from "react";export default class RandomUserExample extends React.Component {state = {loading: true,person: null};getRandomUser = async (props) => {const url = "";const response = await fetch(url);const data = await response.json();this.setState({ person: data.results[0], loading: false });};clearRandomUser = () => {this.setState({ loading: true, person: null });};render() {return (<div className="App">{this.state.loading ? (<div><button className="Randomuserbutton" onClick={this.getRandomUser}>Random User</button></div>) : (<div><div><img src={this.state.person.picture.large} /></div><div className="Content"><label>First Name: </label>{}</div><div className="Content"><label>Last Name: </label>{}</div><div className="Content"><label>City: </label>{}</div><div><buttonclassName="Randomuserbutton"onClick={this.clearRandomUser}>Clear</button></div></div>)}</div>);}}

Update the references in the index.js as below — To replace the App to RandomUserExample component.

import ReactDOM from "react-dom";import RandomUserExample from "./RandomUserExample";const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");ReactDOM.render(<RandomUserExample />, rootElement);

Step 3: Update styling of the RandomUserExample component

In the Styles.css file — Update with the following content

.App {font-family: sans-serif;text-align: center;}.Content {/* Body H4 */font-family: Montserrat;font-style: normal;font-size: 16px;line-height: 36px;/* identical to box height, or 150% */letter-spacing: -0.015em;color: #000000;}.Randomuserbutton {/* ButtonPrimary Button*/position: relative;width: 130px;height: 40px;left: 593px;top: 737px;/* Rectangle 2 */position: relative;left: 0%;right: 0%;top: 0%;bottom: 0%;/* Actionable Item */background: #18a0fb;border-radius: 6px;/* Register */position: relative;left: 40.15%;right: 26.15%;top: 5.5%;bottom: 27.5%;font-family: Montserrat;font-style: bold;font-weight: 500;font-size: 15px;line-height: 18px;display: flex;align-items: center;text-align: center;letter-spacing: -0.015em;color: #ffffff;}

Note: For styling the application, If you are new then I recommend using Figma.

Step 4: Testing the application

On the right-hand side, you can see a random user button to retrieve the random user from the API.

Hurray, congratulations :) Now you successfully completed a React JS Single page application to use an API to get the information.



Sandeep Pamidamarri
Sandeep Pamidamarri

Written by Sandeep Pamidamarri

Digital Transformation Leader | Pega Lead Solution Architect | Pega Certified Data Scientist | Pega Customer Service | Pega Sales Automation | AWS Cloud

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