Deploy a simple flask application in Google Cloud Run

Sandeep Pamidamarri
5 min readSep 19, 2020

In this particular post, we will learn to create a simple currency converter application. The technologies used in this application are as follows:

  1. Python [Packages Flask and CurrencyConverter]
  2. Docker [To package the application as a docker image]
  3. Gcloud shell [To interact with gcloud services]
  4. Container Registry and Cloud run

This application is deployed to Google Cloud run as a website for the public access.

Application looks as below: The currency converter from Euro to USD

Create the Python Flask Appication

Step 1: Initialize the Python project using PyCharm IDE

PyCharm is a useful IDE tool for the Python project development.

Refer to the below website on the download instructions

Step 2: Create a new Python project using the PyCharm

Create the new project [CurrencyConverter] in PyCharm IDE and also create the Flask application-specific folders.

static: To store the static assets of the application like CSS, js files

templates: To store the HTML templates of the application

The folder structure looks as below after this particular step

CurrencyConverter Folder Structure in PyCharm

Step 3: Install the Python packages

For this particular application, the following packages are used:

Refer to the below documentation on the package usage

Flask: A webserver package

CurrencyConverter: Euro based currency conversion package

Install the packages using pip command in the terminal window

pip install flask currencyconverter

Step 4: Create the HTML form

In the templates folder, create the simple HTML file [form.html] as below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Currency Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/currencyconverter.css">
<h1>Euro to USD</h1>
<div id="output">
<form method="post">
€ <input type="number"
<input type="submit"
{% if usd %}
€{{euros}} =
{% endif %}

Step 5: Create the CSS file

In the static folder, create the simple css file [currencyconverter.css] as below

html * {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
max-width: 500px;
margin:0 auto;
text-align: center

#output {
padding-top: 10px;
display: inline-block;

Step 6: Create the flask application python file

Create the file with the following code.

Note: It is self-explanatory and you can python material for the additional info

from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from currency_converter import CurrencyConverter

app = Flask(__name__)

def form():
return render_template("form.html")

@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def my_form_post():
c = CurrencyConverter();
euros = request.form["euros"]
usd = round(c.convert(euros, "EUR", "USD"), 2)

return render_template("form.html",

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note: Execute the flask application in the localhost. if there are any errors then resolve it before progressing to the next steps.

Dockerize the Python Flask application

Step 1: Create the docker file [Dockerfile]

Note: The commands have usage comments. Dockerfile will not have specific file extensions

FROM python:3.8-slim
# Use the python latest image
COPY . ./
# Copy the current folder content into the docker image
RUN pip install flask gunicorn currencyconverter
# Install the required packages of the application
CMD gunicorn --bind :$PORT app:app
# Bind the port and refer to the app

To learn more about the docker files, refer to the website documentation

Step 2: Create the dockerignore file

Dockerignore file [.dockerignore] is useful to ignore the folder contents as part of the docker image


# PyCharm specific folder


# Environments

Deploying to Google Cloud Run

Step 1: Set-up google cloud account and create a project

Refer to the google cloud documentation on the cloud account and respective project creation

Step 2: Install Google Cloud SDK Shell

Refer to the below documentation and install the Google Cloud SDK

Step 3: Complete the google login via google cloud SDK Shell

Note: if you face any login issues then refer to the above google cloud sdk documentation resources

Step 4: Create a docker image in the Google Container Registry

Navigate to the “currencyconverter” project folder in the SDK shell

Use Google builds command to create the docker image in the container registry

gcloud builds submit --tag

Note: You can get the project id from list of project details using the following command

gcloud projects list

Step 5: Create the Cloud Run service from the docker image

Use the below command to create the Cloud Run Service

gcloud run deploy --image --platform managed

As part of this command, execution select the following mandatory options

Region: In which region, you want to deploy this cloud run service

Authentication: Select the option as a public facing website

Step 6: Verify the deployed cloud run service in the cloud console

Navigate to the cloud run in the google cloud console and you will see a running service

Test the deployed application

Step 1: Click on the deployed Cloud Run service to see the public URL

Step 2: Test the application via the URL

Congratulations, now you created a stateless simple serverless application using google cloud run service.

Once you start exploring, there is a lot of learning involved in this simple app. The credit for this post goes to the below video contributers. I learned a lot in this app development and the powerful capabilities of the Google Cloud Run Service.



Sandeep Pamidamarri

Digital Transformation Leader | Pega Lead Solution Architect | Pega Certified Data Scientist | Pega Customer Service | Pega Sales Automation | AWS Cloud